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Home > DreamHorse Knowledge Base > Photo Questions > How do I upload my photo?
How do I upload my photo?
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You will need to have your photo ready by saving it on your computer or device (preferably in the JPG or PNG image format. When you complete the online photo order, you will be prompted to upload the photo at the end of a successful order. As you fill in our upload form, you will select your image on your device by moving through your directories/folders/albums and selecting your image file. A good place to start looking is in your Pictures directory.

When we work on your order, we will further reduce the image by resizing and cropping for you. After you have added your text ad and ordered your photo ad, make a note of your Order Number as you will need it to upload your photo.

There will be an upload button at the bottom of your order confirmation screen which will take you directly to the upload screen with your order number already filled in. If you need to wait until later to upload your photo, you can upload anytime from your Account by clicking the blue Photo/Video menu.

If you don't have the photo available when you place the order, you can upload the image at a later time by logging in to your DreamHorse Account and clicking the blue Photo/Video menu and selecting UPLOAD PHOTOS for the ad you need to update. Then follow the steps above.


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