Auction Horses and Sold Horses may be excluded from our searches and saved searches as follows: To EXCLUDE Sold Horses: Sale Status = NOT SOLD ONLY To EXCLUDE Auction Horses: Sale Type = EXCLUDE AUCTION ADS Our simple new ads listing has small links at the top to filter out Auction and Sold Horses.
If your ad has been marked SOLD and photos expire, the ad will be deleted. However, if the ad status is NOT SOLD and the photos expire, our system will renew the free text portion of the ad so that it will stay online longer so that you have more of a chance to renew it. You may mark the ad SOLD or SALE PENDING…
Login to your Account and select the OPTIONS menu for the ad, then select SOLD/NOT SOLD/PENDING . Set the sale status to the correct status and press the Save button.
DreamHorse gives you full control of your ads and with thousands of horses online, we need you to be responsible for marking your horse sold. All you need to do is login to your account where you can edit, mark sold, renew, or delete your ads anytime from the aqua OPTIONS menu on your ACCOUNT screen for each horse an…
If you want to see for yourself, go to our Advanced Search and run a search for ANY BREED, ANY STATE, and click ONLY SHOW SOLD ADS and you will see recently sold horses. We do not track the number of sales or sales prices as we are not involved in the sales transactions. Any attempt to collect the number of sol…