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Home > DreamHorse Knowledge Base > Photo Questions > What is an Instant Image?
What is an Instant Image?
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Instant Images may be found on paid photo ads which display the photo temporarily exactly as uploaded by our customer, as long as a valid Order Number is used for the Upload. They are displayed during the time between the order being placed and the order being completed. A human technician will crop/resize/enhance all of our photos. The Instant Image allows our customer's photos to be seen instantly just as they are uploaded before we complete the order. It can take a day or so to complete an order, but our goal is to complete them within one day. Instant Images do not count against the photo's 90 (or more) days - it is "free time." The ad will not display a hit counter during this time.  Instant Images will only display on ads which do NOT have any kind of current photo or soon-to-be expired photo. They will only show on ads with no finalized photo on our server. When we get to the order and add the finalized photo, the ad will be set to NEW again and appear in the NEW photo ads listing, the thumbnail will be added, the ad display time will start and the hit counter will start counting. We hope that this free added service is beneficial to our customers and visitors.



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