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Showing articles from search tag

Why can't I find my ad on your site?

If you have an ad online and cannot find it using our search forms, please be sure to proofread your ad very carefully. Please pay special attention to all the fields that you are using as criteria in your search. What we usually find is that the ad is not saved the way you think it is saved. The biggest problems we …

What is the best way to use DreamHorse to find the horse of my dreams?

It is very easy to simply click the New Photos button on our home page and get a list of the most recent photo ads on our site. However, since we have thousands of horses online, you will probably not want to look at them in this simple date-added order. To get the most out of DreamHorse, we recommend the following st…

How do I save a search?

DreamHorse has the capability to save your favorite searches so that you can easily re-run them at any time. You need to be logged into your Account on DreamHorse to save a favorite search. Towards the bottom left area of the My DreamHorse Account screen is a button that says **My Saved Searches**. On that screen, s…

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