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Home > DreamHorse Knowledge Base > Site Use Questions > When I press the BACK button on my browser, it says the page is expired and I have to refresh or reload.
When I press the BACK button on my browser, it says the page is expired and I have to refresh or reload.
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This does not happen to everyone so it is difficult for us to duplicate the problem. We think it is a browser or computer-specific problem or possibly a preference or option setting on your computer.


If this is happening to you, please use the "VIEW AD" button found on the search results list to open the full-page ad. If you use the VIEW AD button (as opposed to clicking the name of the horse or the photo thumbnail), you will then see a "BACK TO LIST" button on the ad which can be used to go back to the ad instead of the BACK button on your browser menu.


This way you can use the BACK TO LIST button on the ad and subsequent pages that we can control with our programming code instead of the BACK button on your browser which we cannot control.


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