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Showing articles from embed tag

How to set Video to Public and Allow Embedding on Youtube

As of March 2019, the instructions for setting your video to public and allowing embedding on YouTube are as follows: Login to your YouTube account, select the desired video, and click the EDIT VIDEO button. Under DETAILS, BASIC, set VISIBILITY to PUBLIC. Under DETAILS, ADVANCED, check the checkbox for ALLOW EMBEDD…

Can I use a Video Sharing Site Other Than YouTube?

Yes, we have found several other video sharing sites which are currently compatible with DreamHorse. We can usually use a video from any site that offers EMBED CODE that we can use to embed the video on our site. We have found the YouTube, Vimeo and occasionally Facebook videos can be displayed. The privacy and embed…

What is the difference between the Video LINK and the EMBED CODE?

The video link or url is the actual link that you will see in your browser when you are viewing your video on YouTube (or other compatible video sharing site). The link starts with "https://www.***". On YouTube, click the Share button to get the link for your video. The EMBED CODE is a larger paragraph of programmin…

How do I get my Video online?

We display videos that are already uploaded to YouTube (or other compatible site which has EMBED CODE available). So, if you have a video of your horse on YouTube, we can connect it to your photo ad! To order, go to your [account][1] and click "Order Photos" or "Renew Photos". You can add a video to any type of photo …

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