DreamHorse provides unlimited free text ads with instant, self-service publishing, subject to the posting guidelines and Terms of Use. We now have community flagging available where our user-base can flag an ad for certain reasons such as scams, slander, misuse of site, ownership disputes, etc.
Our community flagging feature allows our users to flag inappropriate ads for speedy and/or automated removal, while continuing to allow everyone to post ads quickly and efficiently.
You must be logged in before clicking the Flag Ad button. You would then select the reason for your flag and click submit. If you have already flagged the ad, you will be able to unflag it using the same button. It really helps to type a brief, private message to our staff explaining why you are flagging the ad.
Classified ads receiving enough negative flags are subject to automatic removal (one flag per person per ad). Please flag with care. If we find that you are flagging ads maliciously, your own account may be suspended.