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Home > DreamHorse Knowledge Base > New User Assistance > What are the advertising rates for photo ads?
What are the advertising rates for photo ads?
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You can place unlimited text ads for free on DreamHorse. We have many photo upgrade options to meet your specific needs.


Customized Order Form:

Once you have a free text ad online, a list of your ads will appear in your Account.  Each ad shows an Order Photos button.  DreamHorse photo ads start at $20 for 90 days.  Tack photo ads start at $5. If you click the Order Photos button, a customized list of photo ad options that are available to you based on your text ad will appear.  For example, if your horse is AT STUD, you will be shown the Stallion Ad special.  Otherwise, you will not see this option. If your ad is new and does not yet have a photo, you will only see options available for a non-photo (or text) ad.  If your ad already has a photo, you will be shown the renewal and extra photo options, etc.


Prices are subject to change without notice.


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